Kiss Your Miracle

motherhood after infertility

Teeth May 24, 2010

Filed under: Micah Nathan,Motherhood — Linnea @ 6:29 am

I know moms aren’t supposed to wish their children were older. We’re supposed to enjoy each stage for what it is, and I try to do that. But sometimes I wish Micah could talk. Like last week, for example. He was extra fussy and I couldn’t figure out why. He seemed to be over his cold, but he didn’t want me to put him down at all. I’d put him in the swing or on his play mat, but he’d only last a few minutes. Then he’d suddenly burst into tears like I’d abandoned him forever, so I’d pick him up again. Almost everything I accomplished last week was done with one hand.

Then on Thursday night I was giving Micah a bath when I noticed two tiny white lines in his gums. So he’d had a good reason for all that fussing; he’d been cutting his first two teeth.

I’ll be happy when Micah can explain in words what he needs. In the meantime, I’ll just keep holding him. It’s really not such a bad way to spend the day.


3 Responses to “Teeth”

  1. Aron Says:

    Two teeth already! No wonder he wasn’t feeling so cheery! I love how you continually make the effort to keep everything in perspective so you can thoroughly enjoy even the tough parts of parenting. You are an inspiration. :)

  2. Katy Says:

    Way to go Micah!!! He’ll be overtaking Nick in no time – who at 16 months still only has 5 chompers!!

  3. jess fouche Says:

    I know what you mean! When we went to Thailand with Jude he was SO fussy and only wanted to be held- in about 100 degree with 100% humidity. I just didn’t know what he wanted. Finally the second week we were there I discovered his first 3 teeth had been working in, as well as Will’s first teeth too! (Although he wasn’t quite as fussy as Jude…:)
    You are a great mama Linni!! And your sweet boy is adorable!