Kiss Your Miracle

motherhood after infertility

Learning July 19, 2009

Filed under: Faith,Motherhood — Linnea @ 5:23 pm

sky at the beach

This is my favorite picture from our trip to Michigan – Sky relaxing in a beach chair. She looks so calm. In reality she probably sat there all of five seconds before hopping down to run around some more. Sky is an active little girl, and even though she hasn’t turned one yet, she’s been walking on her own for a couple months. When we first put her down in the sand though, she fell with each step she took. The sand there is soft and fine and very uneven. Each time she tried to move forward, the sand would give way a bit and she’d collapse into a heap again. She didn’t seem to mind though. She didn’t get discouraged or give up. She didn’t label herself a failure and stick to crawling because it was familiar and less risky. She’d just pick herself up and try again. She wanted to walk on the sand, so she kept working at it, and after a week’s time she’d figured it out, only falling occasionally. Adam and I sat in our beach chairs that last day, smiling as we watched her. It’s pretty cool when God uses your baby to teach you a lesson in perseverance.


2 Responses to “Learning”

  1. klaus nyman Says:

    With style and grace!

    Look at those baby blue eyes! YaL should try and get sky to become a baby model… Make some extra flow.

  2. Bethany Scott Says:

    Thanks for sharing your lesson…. good timing for me to hear that and it’s a fun visual to remember.