Kiss Your Miracle

motherhood after infertility

Adjustments March 2, 2010

Filed under: Family — Linnea @ 7:19 pm

Now that we have Micah, Sky’s place in our family has shifted. She’s no longer “our baby.” She’s our big girl, the oldest, Micah’s sister. Because she’s only nineteen months, she doesn’t have the words to articulate her feelings, but her actions show that the adjustment is hard for her. Her volume level is higher than ever before (and it was loud to start with) and she’s been throwing more temper tantrums. So far she hasn’t done anything but shower Micah himself with kisses, but I carefully stand guard when she’s hovering over him.

Life with two kids is an adjustment for Adam and me too. When I’m home alone with Sky and Micah I have my moments of “Hey, I can do this!” And those moments are usually followed by unexpected chaos that has all three of us crying together. But no matter how crazy any one day may be, I know without a doubt that this is the life I always wanted. Micah’s sudden presence in our family may be rough for Sky right now and even stretching for Adam and me as parents, but it’s also the very best thing for all of us. Micah is now three weeks old and we thank God for him each day.


5 Responses to “Adjustments”

  1. Nelson Says:

    she looks like a “big girl” in that one…with her hair all back and stuff.

  2. Michelle Says:


    They are so precious!!! I remember when Noah came along and Elijah was only 20 months old. It was hard at first, but then he really embraced being the “big boy” :)

  3. TLC Says:

    The patience and love which you and Adam have shown will help her through this time of feeling replaced by Micah. It’s important to establish special times with just her alone like daddy/daughter, mommy/daughter outings or doing something fun during one of Micah’s naps. By the time his naps are down to one a day, her little mind will have processed the affirmation that she is still loved and wanted by both of you. You are blessed to have your MOPS group available for sanity support. ;0) I had that available to me when our two were under the age of two and it was a God sent blessing of being with peers going through the same thing and having mentors who coached me through the difficult times. May the difficult days be overshadowed by the joyful memories.

  4. Childless and praying Says:

    It’s great you are watching Sky. When my neice watched her sister come home from the hospital, we caught Liz with her foot hovering over Kris’s face when Kris was napping on the living room floor. (Last time naps were taken on the floor). Liz stated her dislike for her sister and asked us if Krissy was returnable. They are best of friends today. Stay focused, your endurance and patience will win out and Sky will adjust, so will you and Adam. Praying for you.

  5. julia Says:

    This picture is so adorable! I wish we were closer and could see those little ones in person. They are PRECIOUS!! Hang in there, girl. Sky is only going to benefit from Micah in her life, like you said. It will be so fun to see them interacting and developing their own relationship. Miss you.